05 March 2011

 A very creative neighbor. This snowman is over 18' tall. His buttons are made of big black garbage bags, his mouth a rope, his scarf also garbage bags and his hat a tire innertube for the rim and a big black garbage bag stuffed for the top. His eyes are real lights that are lit. It's amazing. 
We had over 4' of snow accumulative, 3' on the ground at once. So it there definetly as plenty of snow.It's a week later and we still have a foot of snow but it's rapidly melting in a 50* sunny day.

                                         Can never have enough pictures of this beautiful mtn.

It's melting quickly. Water running over the side of this roof. The snow is hanging on for all it's worth..

Even a shadow butterfly gives hope of Spring.

1 comment:

  1. Imagine how alarming that snowman would be if you arrived in town in the dark...
