11 September 2011

End of Summer Stuff

We had a very strange summer in the Pacific Northwest. It was unusaully cool, yet dry. The woods are dry as bones and now the heat has set in. Usually by now it's back to about 65-70* during the day and the last 3 days in my little mountain town it has been 100+. It's crazy. So so we have summer flowers continuing to bloom and the leaves are beginning to show their Autumn colors. Oh well. What can ya do. Absolutely nothing, but enjoy.
Love these
First little Zinnia. Can you believe it? It's only about 8" tall as well. 
 I think this is the deadly nighshade plant. Checking for berries. No children around!
 Scarlet Runner Beans still blooming.
 Daisies and Lavender.
 I love the tall grasses in the ponds this year.
 Two merging rivers. The Suiattle (Sue-attle) on the left is merging with the Sauk (Sock). Notice the difference in color. The Suiattle is very silty and it begins way up in the mts.
 Here is another view of the merging rivers.
This is below the Sauk river bridge going to Sauk Prairie where I grew up. Someone planted that flag on the log and here is another one stuck in the rocks onthe other side of the bridge.


  1. Found your blog through Orkneyflowers. Small world. We have friends who live just outside Twisp, just above the river. Know winthrop; used to be decent small, bookshop there and, last time out, a guy driving around with an 'Impeach Bush' banner atop his car/4x4. Best.

  2. Reckon I'm slow as molasses. Just found your comment needing moderation. I'm going to change it for auto post of comments--if I can remember how.
    Very small world. I love that area. We go to Winthrop often. Twisp has a fun Saturday market in the summer. Big trout fishing area.
